Office 365 Mailboxes Doubling in Size!

exchangemailWe’re excited to report that starting immediately the size of all user mailboxes in Office 365 service plans and Exchange Online are doubling! Instead of the previous 25 GB of mailbox storage every user will increase to a whopping 50 GB of space. Statistically speaking, most users have never reached the limit, but with the rate of business it’s nice to know that you’ll never hit the cap. Additionally, Shared and Resources mailboxes are increasing to 10 GB, so your projects have the room they need, too. Better yet, this improvement comes at no cost to the businesses that rely on Office 365. It’s just a way Microsoft and INFINIT improve the service to our customers every day.

And we know what you’re wondering, “Do I need to do anything to take advantage of the additional space?”. The answer is we’ve got you covered–your mailbox size will automatically increase. Microsoft reports that the roll out started on August 29 and will continue through November.

Enjoy your new roomy mailboxes!

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